Salesforce Partner Awards: Sirocco secures “Outstanding New Logo” win

We are excited to announce our recent triumph at the prestigious Salesforce Partner Awards. Sirocco Group has been honoured with a highly coveted award, Outstanding New Logo for our work with Emarat – Emirates General Petroleum Corporation. Recognizing our contribution to solving unique and complex business challenges for new customers across the Middle East. 

This achievement solidifies Sirocco Group’s position as one of the leading partners in the industry, with a remarkable presence in all markets and offices worldwide. This gives us even more energy to push forward and keep delivering quality and great solutions to the CRM market! 🙌

This award is a testament to our commitment to driving customer success, spearheading innovation, and positioning ourselves as a trusted partner. 

An extra thank you and congratulations to our team in Dubai and thank you Salesforce for believing in us! 🥳

So where do you start?

As your long-term partner for sustainable success, Sirocco is here to help you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and book a free consultation or workshop to get started!